
Our History

In the months leading up to the fall of 2018, several individuals and groups of people within the Bible Holiness Church congregation had been praying about the possibility of forming a Christian school. While there had been general talk about this possibility for several years, each of these individuals had been keeping their prayers a matter of private petition between them and God.

Our annual Fall Camp Meeting in 2018 was exceptional in many ways. Not only was attendance higher than usual, but God's presence was manifest in a special way in every service. Many needs in many families were being met and hearts and lives were changed forever. This stirring among the people was very evident for all to see. What was not as evident initially, was how God was working from several different angles to put the wheels into motion to start BHCA.

The pastor at BHC, Bro. Brent Gabbard, had been praying about the possibility of a school for several months. While the need was apparent, so were the many reasons not to proceed. Bro. Gabbard's prayer was that if it was God's will that we start a school, then he asked God to send someone to him who would have the necessary credentials to undertake such an endeavor. He realized the answer to that prayer during the Saturday morning service when Kevin Holcombe approached him saying that God had been speaking to him and he was ready and willing to do whatever he could if and when the church ever decided to start a school.

Later the same day, a seasoned and respected pastor friend approached Bro. Gabbard and said he felt like it was time to start a school at Bible Holiness Church. This pastor had no knowledge of the conversation that had transpired with Bro. Kevin earlier that day nor the fervancy with which Bro. Gabbard had been praying about the matter.

The Monday morning following the meeting, Bro. Gabbard was talking with one of the church deacons in a local coffee shop in Elkton. He relayed these events and explained how everything seemed to be coming together in answer to his prayers. By divine coincidence, this deacon had been praying for a couple months and waiting for the right time to approach the pastor about the possibility of forming an exploratory committee to see about starting a school.

With so many signs pointing the way, the BHC Board met and unanimously agreed to proceed with a small group of individuals to explore the feasibility of such an endeavor. An announcement was made to the church which was received with overwhelming excitement and anticipation. Over the next several weeks and months plans were created and the necessary actions were taken to prepare for the school to open for the 2019-2020 school year.